Kybella for Men: Incredible Before and After Results

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This post will cover my husband’s experience receiving Kybella for men treatment for under-chin fat.

This write-up is aimed to educate those who may be considering the procedure and are looking to get more information about the experience. This article will also answer basic questions about what Kybella is, what it is used for and who should consider getting this procedure. I, nor my husband, who received this treatment, are medical professionals. We are sharing his experience and my opinions to educate others. Please do your own research, and discuss your medical history with your primary care physician before receiving any cosmetic procedures.

If you are interested in other articles about my experiences with similar procedures, check out my blog post on receiving Cheek Fillers or my writeup on Botox for TMJ. 

What is Kybella?

Kybella treatment is a permanent, cosmetic procedure designed to eliminate under chin fat in adults. It is safe, effective, and has noticeable visual results for both men and women.

Kybella is an FDA-approved injectable, used to break down fat cells in the body. Specifically, Kybella injections are approved for use on under chin fat cells by the FDA. While this may change in the future, it is currently ONLY FDA approved for use on this area of the body.

The active ingredient in a vial of Kybella is deoxycholic acid. This acid is a naturally occurring substance within the human body, it is part of the body’s natural process of breaking down fat cells.

Who should consider getting Kybella?

Kybella is a permanent cosmetic procedure. It has been shown to significantly reduce under chin fat.

Double chins, or submental fullness are a common area of concern that both men and women fell self conscious about. The underside of the chin can become a natural fat deposit over time, as we age, fat naturally gathers there. Kybella is a good fit for individuals who are self conscious about how their chin looks, and want to have a slimmer, defined jawline regardless of sex or gender identity.

While suitable for most adults, it isn’t for everyone. Before getting your treatment, consult with your doctor to make sure there are no extra risks based on your medical history. Kybella, while safe and relatively simple to receive, should be only be administered by a licensed professional.

Administered by a licensed medical professional

As with Botox, filler or any other cosmetic injections, Kybella should be administered by a Medical Doctor. Finding a licensed medical professional in your area can be tricky. I have done extensive research and tried different medical spa’s, and found Dr. Julie Nielsen from Still SLC to be the best of the best. She is who I trust to administer botox. 

Below in my husband’s experience, he will share more about what it was like getting his Kybella for men treatment from Dr. Nielsen. He is notoriously averse to going to the doctor, so I was happily relieved that he felt so comfortable going to her. 

Ask around, and find the licensed medical professional that best suits your needs before receiving the treatment. Having a knowledgable and experienced professional who cares about their patients is invaluable to the Kybella treatment process.

How much does Kybella cost? How much should I get?

The most common question my husband and I get about Kybella is: “how much does it cost?” Pricing of Kybella treatments is similar to botox in that it is priced per dosage. Dosage needed varies between people. Everyone is different, and fat levels in the target area will heavily influence the required dosage. Kybella is priced per vial. Expect to pay between $500-$600 USD per vial.

How many vials are needed? For my husband’s treatment, he used 4 vials per treatment. 1 on each side and then 2 for the middle are under his chin– where the fat deposits are often thicker.

Cosmetic injections

Costs per vial and vials needed per treatment will vary. To set expectations, It is normal to pay between $1500-$2000 per treatment. For most recipients, 2-3 treatments are needed. Each treatment should be separated by about 4-6 weeks, to allow the area to fully recover and get back to a natural state.

So all in, Kybella treatment can cost up to $6,000 on the high end, and around $1,500 on the low end. With such a large range of costs, it is difficult to tell someone exactly how much it costs to get Kybella. The best way to know how much it will cost you for your own treatment is to meet with a Kybella injector, and get a consultation.

My Husband’s Experience Getting Kybella Treatment

Here is my husband’s experience receiving Kybella Injections in his own words: 

Apprehension about getting any procedure done

I have always been self conscious of my profile. From the side, i’ve always felt that my chin lacked definition. As I’ve gotten older and become more sedentary in my lifestyle, working from home, sitting at the office and driving in the car for most of my day I noticed that this problem area was becoming more of an issue to me. Despite regular moderate exercise, it never seemed to improve. Even when my weight fluctuated downwards. To clarify, I’ve never had any comments about it, but it was just one of those personal self image issues that I think many people deal with. 

Male patient before Kybella treatment
view of my heavy chin, submental fullness prior to Kybella
Before kybella sieview
profile view of my chin before my first Kybella treatment

I knew about Kybella for a few years before I finally decided to get it. My wife knows that I’ve been self conscious about my chin for a long time. She was the one who suggested it to me as a possible solution. She would never pressure to get something like this, but she has always advocated for self care, and doing what makes you feel confident and happy with your own body. 

I can’t be the only guy who feels this way, but I don’t love going to the doctor. For anything really. I just don’t like going, setting the appointments and all that stuff. I tend to leave these types of issues alone until it’s something that I HAVE to take care of. Whatever you have to say about that as a health choice, I felt similarly about my chin.  I was all to happy to put off dealing with something that caused me anxiety and hurt my confidence, especially when you it isn’t exactly cheap for someone like me who doesn’t really spend money on stuff for himself. In the end, it took a lot of friendly encouragement from my partner for me to be willing to make this choice for myself, but I am glad that I did. 

Consultation & Procedure of Kybella for Men

When I decided to get Kybella I met with Dr. Nielsen for a consultation. I wasn’t exactly sure what the treatment consisted of to be perfectly honest. I knew it was an injection and that was about it. You could have told me it was a shot in the ass and I would have believed you. Dr. Nielsen was really knowledgable, she explained what Kybella was and where it comes from. She took the time to get to know me and help me feel at ease. Before we got started she took a vial out and showed it to me, explaining what the dosage was like and how the process would go when I was ready. 

She was very sweet about it, and explained that it can be slightly painful. I wasn’t planning for a painful procedure, but the idea of that didn’t really deter me. She explained that she would use a temporary tattoo pattern of dots to give herself a map of where she would place each injection. In a single vial there are several individual doses, meaning she could do several shots (dots) per each vial. Once the dot pattern was in place, she would then proceed to inject each of the small dots one by one. I was informed that within a few minutes the injection sites would begin to sting as the fat cells were broken down. To make this easier, she provided me with ice to place under my chin to numb the area prior to the injections. Once I was ready, she placed the temporary dots tattoo and got to work. 

Male Kybella patient in chair with temporary dot matrix showing injection sites
The injection sites are marked with a temporary tattoo to aid the injector.

It was impressive the way she injected each dot with the right amount with speed and accuracy. I am convinced that she went quickly because she knew I wouldn’t be able to handle the pain. As she moved from one dot to the another I started to feel a stinging sensation about 30 seconds after each injection. This stinging sensation wasn’t as intense as what I had been prepared for. I think she overhyped the pain to get me prepared for much worse, which likely helped. It was uncomfortable, yes, but it only last about 3-5 minutes all together. 

I wouldn’t call the procedure “pain free”, it was only mildly uncomfortable. Anyone who has had a tattoo done before has dealt with similar or worse pain. It isn’t something that I think most people should be concerned about when getting Kybella from my own experience.

“The Bullfrog”: Immediately afterwards

If you’ve done any research about Kybella you may have seen other pictures online of the swelling. What happens after you get the injections is that your body begins to breakdown the fat cells, this involves a lot and I mean a lot, of swelling. I was self conscious of my underchin fat before, but I will tell you that the swelling was totally next level. I was grateful for Covid creating a mask culture so I wouldn’t stand out for wearing a neck gater for a few days after the procedure to hide my bullfrog neck swelling. 

Male Kybella patient 1 day after procedure, chin highly swollen
The day after my first Kybella for men treatment. Full bullfrog.

The area under my chin swelled up within a few minutes, and this swollen area was slightly numb and a little tender for about 3 days. After that, the swelling started to go down on its own. Dr. Nielsen advised that I don’t ice it or take Ibuprofen for the swelling, as the natural swelling process is part of how the body breaks down the fat cells, and that it would hinder the results by doing so. That wasn’t difficult, ibuprofen wasn’t needed for the pain and it was already slightly numb. 

After about 10 days I got back to what I felt was normal. Normal being what I looked like prior to the procedure of Kybella for men. After a few weeks I could see an obvious change in my profile. 

Male patient, 2 weeks after 1 kybella treatment
Here’s a sideview of me fully-recovered from the second set of injections
male patient, front view 2 weeks after 1 Kybella treatment
Front view, a little bit of a difference here after first set of injections
male patient, 2 weeks after Kybella injections, profile view
Better view from the side after first set of injections. The profile change compared to before the procedure is noticeable here.

After my procedure I followed up with Dr. Nielsen to decide if we felt a second treatment was necessary. Sometimes you can tell before your first treatment if a second will be needed, but because I’m still relatively young, exercise and a male it may not have been needed. I was feeling confident with the results after the first treatment. Based on my results up to that point I did feel that a second treatment would be beneficial.

Second Treatment of Kybella for Men

At my follow up, I decided that I wanted to go through with a second treatment. Dr. Nielsen agreed that it would be beneficial and safe to proceed.

male patient, 1 week after 2nd round of Kybella treatment, angled view
1 week after second set of injections, still some swelling visible here
Male patient, 1 week after kybella treatment 2. Front view
Front view, 1 week after round 2. Still swollen but showing improvement.

The process for the second treatment was much the same as the first. The swelling was less my second time around, and the recovery was about the same. 10 days to pre-procedure levels of swelling and a few weeks to observable differences. 

100% recommend injections of Kybella for men

I feel great after my second treatment, I don’t know if other people can see a difference. It is noticeable in side by side photos, but I don’t think people on the street would stop and think “oh this guy has for sure has had Kybella”. 

side by side comparison of before and after images of a male Kybella patient after 1 treatment.
Side by side comparison of Kybella results after 1 treatment.

I recommend Kybella for men who feel similarly self conscious about their profile, chin fat or their neck area. I don’t think everyone should feel like they have to get it. Individuals need to make that choice for themselves. It has made a difference in my life, and I am very grateful to have the loving support of a partner who wanted me to feel my best. I appreciate that she empowered me to make that choice for myself. Dr. Julie was amazing too. She was a great support and followed up with me to make sure everything was going well while I recovered. I would recommend Kybella for men and using Dr. Julie as your injector, as well as the other cosmetic procedures she offers. 

side by side before and after photo of kybella double chin treatment

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