How to Prevent Mask Acne During Cold Weather Months

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Typically, the cold weather months are much harsher on skin! This year, as everyone takes safety measures to protect against the pandemic, mask acne has been on the rise. This is sometimes referred to as ‘maskne’ and is when your face is prone to more pimples than usual on the jaw and cheeks where a mask is worn. Here are some tips to equip your skin with the tools it needs to be clear all fall and winter long!

Lauryn Hock putting skincare on her face

Treating and Preventing Mask Acne

1. Cleanse Face Daily

Ideally, you already wash your face every morning and night! Some people prefer to wash with only water, some use makeup wipes, and some use micellar water to cleanse.

If you’re like me, washing your face is an entire routine! In the morning, I typically use Cetiphil Gentle Cleanser to prep my face for morning skincare. At night, I use a AHA/BHA cleanser to help regenerate new skin cells. If I wore makeup throughout the day, I will use an oil-based face wash to break down the makeup, followed by a makeup wipe, and finishing with DermaDoctor Ain’t Misbehavin’. Facial washing is necessary to cleanse of bacteria and sebum build-up from the day.

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2. Moisturizing is Key to Mask-ne Prevention

Contrary to belief, face moisturizer won’t cause oil breakouts (unless you’re allergic!). In fact, keeping a face routine that include plenty of moisture is the key to preventing acne! If the skin is parched, as it often is in the dry, colder months, it will being to produce more sebum and oil to combat the dryness. This self-repair system can overdo it and actually cause more pimples. This is why having a healthy amount of moisturizer in a skincare routine is essential. Don’t forget to continue using SPF moisturizer in the mornings to prevent sun damage — even in the winter! I’ve really been keen on Elta MD for acne prone skin.

shop my favorite SPF Moisturizer for acne-prone skin

3. Warm Water Showers and Washes For Skincare

Although it may be tempting to turn up the heat during the colder months, it can be harder on your skin! Extreme heat is more likely to dissolve natural oils. As talked about in the previous paragraph, this can cause dryness and more acne! Combine that with more wind and blasting the heater and your skin will get inflamed and irritated. Hot showers can also causes itchy skin afterwards, only causing more face problems. Stick to a warm shower in the winter (or, if you’re brave, go cold for an instant circulation boost).

4. Sparingly Use the Right Facial Exfoliants

Furthermore, be cautious with the exfoliants used during cold weather. Remember, your face will already be exposed to extreme weather and heat from the car air. Too much exfoliation in conjunction with these other extremes can irritate your skin and cause redness and acne. Exfoliate less often in the winter, and be sure to use a reputable skincare brand.

If you’re looking for a good exfoliant for acne, I have been using Differin Gel on my face, and noticed a difference in two weeks of use! The first week will cause dryness and itchiness, so add lots of hydration if you begin to use the exfoliant in your regimen.

shop my exfoliants for acne prevention

Lauryn Hock shows her side profile with stars on her face

You Face Mask Matters for your Skin and Mask Acne

5. Wash Face Masks Weekly to Prevent Mask Acne

Not only should face masks be washed regularly to prevent sickness, but also to prevent acne! Washing a pandemic face mask will get rid of oils and dead skin cells that rub off on the inside of the fabric. If the mask doesn’t have specific washing instructions, wash in hot water with a fragrance-free laundry detergent. Hang the masks out to dry to keep their shape!

6. Wear the Right Face Mask Fit

Despite what you may have seen in public, face masks should go below the chin and cover to the bridge of the nose (yes, nostrils covered)! The mask should fit snuggly (not too loose), but should not be too small to cover both the mouth and nose. I had a few masks that were falling off or requiring too much adjustments and found cord locks to make the ear loops smaller!

Since masks should be two layers, try to get a soft cotton or silk fabric for the inner lining. These materials will cause less skin abrasion. Synthetic fibers will rub against the face and cause more irritation.

7. Skip the Heavy Makeup When Wearing a Mask

This may be the most obvious prevention tip of all. We’ve all felt icky putting a face mask on while wearing heavy makeup! It actually feels wrong. Get in the habit of wearing less makeup, or even none. If you want to look presentable going out and about, try wearing makeup on the top half of your face only. Your skin will thank you later!

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